Meet our Pet of the Week- Sunshine!

Sunshine (ID# 1780188) is 1 year old, female tan Border Terrier & Chihuahua mix weighing 17 pounds. This petite beauty is a playful friendly affectionate dog that will be a great companion. She was surrendered for chewing shoes…in other words for being a dog and a bored one at that—she was left alone all day and the only toy she found—you got it—the shoes left out. Yummy leather and they smelled like her favorite human so of course the perfect chew toy! This gal is super on leash and loves to take walks. She’s quick to hop into your lap and offer kisses. As with most small dogs some big movements cause her to be a little unsure until you let her know all is OK.  We’ve noticed she give these little gentle rabbit like nibbles when she’s being affectionate. Our staff says Sunshine will be good with children 8 and over that understand how small fur-kids can be unsure with biog movements even from a child  and she’s young herself so younger dogs can play using their mouths like the nibbles. She’s dog friendly but we still like you to bring in and present companions for a meet and greet. Sunshine is presently kenneled with 3 other small dogs. You will find this ray of Sunshine at our Eastside location 8920 Lomas Blvd NE.


Heat Kills pets parked in cars. Dogs suffer from heatstroke and die every year when owner leave them in parked hot cars. Leaving the windows down or parking in the shade is NOT enough to prevent a fatality.


If outside temperature is 70 degrees (for example) in just 10 min the temperature in a car is actually 90 degrees.

If outside temperature is 85 degrees  in just 10 minutes the temperature in a car is actually 102 degrees.

If outside temperature is 90 degrees in just 10 minutes the temperature in the car is actually 109 degrees.

Please also remember that pavement, asphalt, astro turf etc. can heat up even on a relatively warm day. Place your hand on the surface. If it is too warm on  your hand do not walk your dog unless it has protection (booties).

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