No one likes excuses. These are the worst cheating excuses!

There’s no good excuse for cheating on your partner, but when they get caught, people try to come up with one anyway. A Twitter user named Tess asked her followers to share the “funniest excuse for cheating someone has given them and people were happy to unload the awful reasons they’ve heard.

Tess started things off with her own, tweeting, “My ex told me he cheated on me because I had a driving phobia,” and these are some of the other pathetic excuses people’s partners tried to use.

  • “The other girl bought him a Jimmy John’s sandwich so he had to pay her back somehow”
  • “I had an ex literally tell me God was telling him to cheat and that it was his destiny to do it”
  • “He didn’t blame it on me but one of his excuses for disappearing one night was he had a heart attack and was in the hospital”
  • “‘I didn’t know how to tell you I wanna breakup with you’ well... was that so hard??”
  • “He cheated because he thought I needed the trauma for my character development... this is not a joke he was a poet/writer”
  • “He cheated on me bc I started wearing combat boots and he was afraid I was turning ‘goth’”
  • “Because I was sick with strep throat and on cough syrup so I couldn’t go to the movies with him & he obviously needed a date so he had to take someone else”
  • “Bc ‘I wanted him to change and I didn’t except his flaws.’ He was on heroin”
  • “My ex told me he was sex deprived and scientifically that justified him sleeping around”
  • “One of the many times my ex cheated on me, he told me, ‘she has the same name as you, I thought it would be a funny story to tell you later on’ it was indeed NOT a funny story.”
  • “The devil had a hold of him. He was 100% serious and really was convinced that satan had taken over his body & his mind which made him want to sleep with other people”
  • “He said he forgot we were dating”

Source:Women's Health

Thought Starters:

  • These are so terrible! Saying he forgot they were dating may be the worst.
  • Has anyone ever cheated on you and offered some outrageous excuse? What was it?
  • Is there any excuse that would make you forgive a cheater?

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