Janae Martinez

Janae Martinez

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Meet our Pet of the Week Mona (ID# 1764562)

Mona (ID# 1764562) is 1 year & 3 month old, female Rhodesian Ridgeback and Chinese Sharpei mix weighing 52 pounds. Sadly this sweet beauty came to us when her daddy became homeless. He provided information to help her new parents. She is a very special dog that is super well behaved, good in the car, house trained, good on leash and a little shy. We’ve found her to be a little shy but she’s a bit overwhelmed having lost her person,  her home and she’s in an environment that is kinda crowded and noisy. Mona is pretty good on leash. Once she’s away from the kennel she’s shy but warms up quickly. She enjoys affection and attention. We agree with her dad that she is unfamiliar being around other dogs so if you have another companion bring them in to meet her first. Our staff says Mona will be good with children 5 or over that can understand she needs a little time to get to know someone new. Mona is an exceptionally nice lady and she’d love to find someone that will appreciate her as much as her first person did. Bring in the entire family to meet Mona and let’s find this sweet heart a great home. If you have room in your heart and home hurry into the Eastside location, 8920 Lomas Blvd NE. 

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