Janae Martinez

Janae Martinez

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Snoop Dogg's Son Gives Powerful Message after grandson dies in fathers arms

Two days after announcing the tragic news that Snoop Doggs Grandson Kai Love died just 10 days after his birth, Corde Broadus (Snoop Doggs son), shared a powerful message about how his baby boy will continue to be a force of love in his life.

“Thank you for all the condolences,”Snoop Dogg’s sonwroteon Instagram Friday, as he noted that amid all the mourning, “I think we missed the biggest lesson.”

“My son did all he needed to do in his 10 days here on earth. He has now graduated and continuing to do work,” Corde, 25, shared. “He died in my arms and that feeling of energy will never leave me. Kai wants all of you to kno he’s doing great and wants to continue to inspire those who light is dim.”

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